UN presented Kazakh documentary about domestic and gender-based violence

"You are not alone"
UN Women and the Spotlight Initiative's Regional Program for Central Asia and Afghanistan are honored to announce the Kazakhstani series "Zhalgyz Emessin," produced with the support of the European Union and the Government of Kazakhstan.
"Only by joining forces can we fight against domestic and gender-based violence. Survivors need to know that they are not alone, that there is help and that we cannot remain silent. Filmmaking is one of the best ways to raise awareness, spread the fight and let everyone know that we, as a world, will not be tolerated and will do everything possible to end gender violence. The European Union is proud to support this project and will continue its work in this direction," said Kęstutis Jankauskas, European Union Ambassador to Kazakhstan.
"Zhalgyz Emessyn" (You are not alone) tells about the problem of domestic and gender violence, as well as discriminatory gender stereotypes in society. Each of the characters has a different life story, but all of them once found themselves in a difficult situation. Each series shows contacts of hotlines, infographics and data of research results about the problem of violence in the world and in Kazakhstan.
"Violence has no gender or age. The film crew was able to clearly show what to do if someone close to us or ourselves suddenly encounters various kinds of violence. I would like to thank all the partners who made the successful release of "Zhalgyz Emessіn" possible. It is very important that the series is filmed in the Kazakh language and that it will be available to a wide audience," said Maria Dotsenko, UN Women Representative in Kazakhstan.
The Kazakhstani production team worked on the series under the direction of Executive Producer Sandugash Rakhimzhanova and Production Directors Daulet Islyamov and Yerlan Kussainov. Actors from Kazakhstani theaters and graduates of the Kazakh National University of Arts played roles in the feature scenes.
"Unfortunately, recently we have been hearing more and more often in the press about egregious cases of violence that occur in Kazakh families. With this project we wanted to show that violence is not a norm, we cannot keep silent about it, and this topic is important and necessary for society," said Sandugash Rakhimzhanova, Executive Producer of the series.

The series is filmed in the format of a documentary drama. According to the laws of the genre, along with the actors in the film are real Kazakhstani experts who daily in their work, social and charitable activities help people in difficult situations.
"Zhalgyz Emessіn" will be available via Kazakhstan's Aitu Super App, as well as on television. The series premieres these days in Almaty and Astana.